Saturday, December 1, 2018

Fir & Fur

Seems like the right season for this one, doesn't it? Have a happy Life Day, everybody! ;)


  1. Bruce, I really love these! Any news as to when your book of them might be out? I'd love to purchase it. In the meantime, may I please print some of these to put up in my Senior English classroom? Thanks!

    1. The book will be out late this summer/early fall. In the meantime, I do have this pack of 30 posters available, if you're interested:


    2. Will there be more poster sets? I bought the 30 posters, but I’m a teacher and it would be awesome to have more than 30 in poster form.

  2. Will there be more poster sets? I bought the 30 posters, but I’m a teacher and it would be awesome to have more than 30 in poster form.

    1. Thanks so much for buying them! I'm afraid I can't afford to print more, though. If you email me privately, maybe we can work something out where I send you high-res files of the extra ones you want, and you can print them yourself? Thanks again for your interest, it really does mean a lot to me.

    2. That would be awesome! Thank you so much for replying, and you’re welcome. I love what you have done here. My students really do enjoy the illustrations. I’ve used them throughout the year from your blog and was super excited when I saw the posters for sale! Anyway, I just emailed you. Thanks again!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey um, I'm not sure if you've covered this one yet, but I recently saw someone confuse warm with worm... They wrote something like "the fire was worm", and the pronunciation's shockingly similar, but the meanings are not eheh.

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