Sunday, May 25, 2014

Exercise & Exorcise

I was looking up images from The Exorcist to help with my drawing this week, when I came across Viktor Hertz's brilliant pictogram movie posters, and I thought, "Jeez, he's already got this covered, why reinvent the wheel? Maybe he wouldn't mind if I featured his work sometime." Then I noticed the one on the left*, realized it would be perfect for Exercise, and knew I had to ask.
So this week's homophones are brought to you by where you can get completely lost drooling over all the clever pictographic interpretations of movies, songs, sayings, and more!

*Bonus points if you can guess what movie this is for. Hint: it's not Xanadu.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Jam & Jamb

With a B – the inside surface of a doorframe.
Without a B – every other use of this word you can think of.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Stake & Steak

As in, "What do you call a cow stuck in a tent?"

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Disillusion & Dissolution

Disillusion – never meet your heroes.
Dissolution – never meet Walter White. (Are Breaking Bad references obsolete already?)
I also want to mention that today the Dexter District Library is hanging 40+ prints from Homophones, Weakly in their gallery on the lower level. This isn't the first time HW has leapt from the blogosphere to a gallery wall – a print of "Complement/Compliment" was recently included in the Visualizing Data exhibition at the Work: Detroit gallery – but this is HW's first ever solo exhibition! Come check it out if you're in the area.