Friday, November 30, 2012

Shameless self-promotion

But watch how I tie it all together...

Believe it or not, posting one black-and-white illustration a week to Homophones, Weakly is not my only job! What, really? I also run a small press, Black Market Books, which endeavors to provide picture books, written and/or illustrated by me, to the world.

Currently, the big project is a comic book series called Woodstalk: 3 Days of Peace, Music, and Zombies. It's a comedy/action comic about the now-forgotten zombie outbreak at Woodstock, as told through the intertwined stories of three groups of survivors – one of which is the band The Zombies.

In all, there will be 32 issues – one for each band that played at Woodstock. That seems huge, I know; but trust me, the issues are short and jam-packed with fun. Issue #1 is available now, and given the homophonic nature of the title Woodstalk I figured I'd better let you all know about it. :)

It is, without a doubt, the most awesome project I've ever been involved with. The story is amazing, the characters are hilarious, and it's immensely satisfying to toy around with a piece of musical history like this. Here's how to take a peek:

Stay updated with Woodstalk on Facebook.
Read the whole thing online for free at Graphicly.
Order a print copy for someone this holiday season, which, y'know, is right now. Only $3.99!

Talk to you again on Sunday!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Halve & Have

Sharing is nice, but the more you halve, the less you have.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Missed & Mist

Is it just me, or is this blog full of people who are really bad at sports?

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Fairy & Ferry

Dedicated to my son, who is more than a little obsessed with magical creatures AND public transit.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

I, Aye, Eye

As the patch-wearing, homophone-loving scourge of the seas Blewbeard the pirate once said, "Aye, I lost an eye."
What to say about this one? "I" is one of the letters of the alphabet, as well as a name you can call yourself when you're in a hurry. "Aye" is some form of affirmative indication or vote. "Eye" is that ball that plugs one of the holes in the front of your head. True, there are also eyes of storms, eyes of needles, and other such uses for eye – but I'm pretty sure they all derive from the round, centrally placed organ in your face with the hole in it that lets light in.